Seifu Fantahun interview with Asefaw Meshesha's son about his father health


Seifu Fantahun interview with Asefaw Meshesha's son about his father health

Being able to care for a sick parent demands fortitude, assistance, and a well-thought-out plan. Being the child and taking care of a sick parent puts you in a position where you may feel uneasy for your parent and where weird power imbalances in relationships may arise. This can cause chaos for the entire family, including siblings and the nuclear unit. Being the carer is completely unfamiliar territory for you, so it will help you to rapidly orient yourself if you know how others have done it effectively. Patient Advocate is a crucial job that you’ll perform if you’re taking care of a sick parent. When you speak up for a loved one, you significantly lighten their load. Success in caregiving depends on having a care plan. If you’re trying to provide care for a parent and you don’t have a team of experts helping you construct this strategy, it wouldn’t be prudent to just wing it. If you’re providing care for a parent alone, it may be helpful to conceive of your efforts as part of a team that includes doctors, nurses, and any other healthcare professionals involved in your parent’s health outcomes. These days, technology can assist you in creating and following a plan. Life will be simpler if you utilise reminders to remember appointments and stay on top of the carer schedule for your elderly parents.

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